
August 31, 2014

9 Months Old

 My little lover boy is nine months old, this last month came and went so quickly I didn't even realize it. Scary! August was a good month, I got to spend some real quality time with this little babe.

Strider is turning to out to be as crazy and energetic as his mother! He is crawling everywhere, getting into everything and stands (on accident). Strider loves people and is always laughing, he makes himself the "life of the party" anywhere he goes. He has been growling at his hands and toys lately and it cracks me up every time. He is starting to mimic, he can make clicking noises, stick his tongue out and blow and my favorite is when he shakes his head back and forth (like a crazy man). He loves music and will start bouncing if you sing anything or he hears anything with a beat (I guess he gets that from his Dad). I am nervous for him to walk, I am not sure I can handle living with a human who is busier than me haha.

 I love motherhood and I am learning a lot through all the challenges and unknowns. I wouldn't say this has been an easy year for our family but without a shadow of a doubt this year has been filled with more love than I knew existed. Between my husband and I running our own businesses, marriage, religion, life challenges and Strider it's been busy but I feel that through all these things I am finding who I want to be. I can feel myself becoming "her", the woman I have dreamed of being since I was a little girl. Someone kind, patient, lovely, talented, brave and a mother who makes you feel like everything in the world is okay. I am definitely not there but I can feel myself becoming a little bit better everyday, and that counts. So far I have Strider fooled into thinking I am awesome, so that is good enough for now!  

I love these little party poopers...Oh, and Happy Sunday babes!  

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