
June 21, 2014

Vacation With a Baby

So, I just got back from my very first vacation with a baby. To say the least, we were scared.
Fingers crossed, we hit the road. (Yes, I have Hello Kitty luggage.)

We were pleasantly surprised. 
I guess, when you aren't managing a business, marriage, religious obligations, being a part time chef and maid, it's pretty easy being a Mother. So, vacation was perfect.

Having a baby on vacation you end up spending a lot more time in a hotel room than you normally would. We have struggled with Strider's sleeping schedule due to the fact we are working parents, multiple people baby sit Strider and it's just plain hard sometimes! We had just put Strider on the perfect schedule and he was starting to sleep through the night and then VACATION. Basically, it's nuts! Sometimes you just have to tell yourself, "Sleep is for old people, WHATEVER!" Right?

Being a working Mommy you can imagine how much I loved spending every second with my baby and having nothing else to distract me. I soaked up every minute. I am trying to keep that feeling alive at home right now.  Do my best to really take the time to focus on one thing at a time. For a spaz like me, that's hard! 

I try to remember these days because I know I will miss them.
Just soaking up the sun, baby cuddles and kisses.  
It's a Beautyfulife!

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June 16, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing Daddys and father-like role models out there. I am one of the lucky ones and I was raised by a crazy but completely amazing Daddy. Always honest, God loving, fair and ridiculous in the best sense of the word! I grew up hiking, wild crafting, searching rondevus for handmade beads, eating dutch oven and camping in teepees. Yes, I know my Dad is awesome! 
It's a shame you don't realize things like this until you become a parent.

 Taylor and I were very newly married when we found out we were expecting. Only the people closest to me know this, I was told when I was eighteen I would have a very difficult time having a baby so this took us by complete surprise. I was mid career, teaching makeup at a beauty school and a very busy Stylist at a fancy salon in town. I had always dreamed of being a mother but wait, now? I was thrilled that getting pregnant wasn't what I had feared it would be but I was overwhelmed with a new fear.  A very real fear, how was I to raise a little human? What if I couldn't be the parent he needed, a fear my husband and I shared. Basically, we freaked out! Haha

Of course, Strider has been the most challenging and greatest blessing in our lifes. God has a plan for us that although may have been much different than what I had in mind, is far greater.  I believe our son, saved us in a way, as a couple who were both struggling with life and in a dark place personally.

 Motherhood and fatherhood has made us completely evolve as people and become bigger dreamers, achievers and enjoy life more fully. He is the light in our home, hearts and in my husband. Fatherhood looks good on you babe. Thank goodness, families are forever.

"Walk a little slower Daddy." 
Said a child so small.
"I'm following in your footsteps,
and don't want to fall."

Sometimes your steps are very fast,
Sometimes they're hard to see.
So walk a little slower, Daddy,
for you are leading me.

Someday when I am all grown up,
You're what I want to be.
Then I will have a little child,
who will want to follow me.

And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true.
So walk a little slower, Daddy,
For I must follow you.

-Author Unknown-

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