I'm sure you have been getting into the Halloween Spirit by dashing around trying to find affordable costumes for the kiddos, but don't forget something fabulous for yourself. What is more fabulous than a Disco Ball? I am thinking easy, cheap and glam. This simple costume can be paired with anything sparkly, metallic or disco inspired. I chose metallic because honestly, that's what I had in my closet!
1. Glitter
2. Hot Glue Gun
3. Medium Foam Ball
4. Shampoo Clips from Sally's
5. One small piece of felt
1. Pour glitter into a bowl
2. Cut the bottom of the foam ball off to create a flat edge
3. Apply hot glue to foam ball and dip into glitter
4. Cover the entire foam ball in glitter (besides flat edge)
5. Cut a piece of felt about the same size as the shampoo clip
6. Hot glue the piece of felt to the inside of the clip sides
7. Hot glue the side that has felt on it to the flat edge of the foam ball
8. Now you have created a disco ball hair clip, wear it on top, side or intertwined in an updo
The secret to this look is Urban Decay's Bondage Glue. Never fear you can use this baby again. Ever wanted to copy one of those stunning glitter eyed tutorials off Pinterest but you just couldn't get your glitter shadow to stick? Well Ta-Da, all your glitter eyed dreams have come true. Another fun way to use this is to place Bondage glue under your lash line and pack a bit of glitter in the corner of your eye and under your lash line. Just saying! (Link to product - http://www.urbandecay.com/ bondage-weightless-makeup- adhesive-by-urban-decay/ 604214921993.html )
Apply heavily onto eyelid. One little tip- you can apply over makeup BUT I found out that it stays best when applied without makeup.
Pour a glitter into the palm of your hands. I picked silver and white glitter from my local craft store but you can choose any glitter you like for this look (I suggest that you choose a chunky glitter). You can even use silver sprinkles!

Then Smudge glitter onto your eyelid, it is as simple as that! Disco on babes!